Welcome to GAIA-MR

Multi-threaded, efficient mapreduce framework for data processing.

Parallel cloud GREP

Suppose we want a simple tool that can read and grep text files, maybe compressed, or maybe stored on cloud storage.Here is how we can do it.

class Grepper {
RE2 re_;
Grepper(string reg_exp) : re_(reg_exp) {}
void Do(string val, mr3::DoContext<string>* context) {
if (RE2::PartialMatch(val, re_)) {
auto* raw = context->raw();
cout << raw->input_file_name() << ":" << raw->input_pos() << " " << val << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
PipelineMain pm(&argc, &argv);
vector<string> inputs;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
Pipeline* pipeline = pm.pipeline();
StringTable st = pipeline->ReadText("read_input", inputs);
StringTable null_output = st.Map<Grepper>("grep", FLAGS_e);
null_output.Write("null", pb::WireFormat::TXT); // To force this mapper to run.
LocalRunner* runner = pm.StartLocalRunner("/tmp/");
return 0;