5 #include "util/coding/set_encoder.h" 7 #define ZSTD_STATIC_LINKING_ONLY 14 #include "base/endian.h" 15 #include "base/hash.h" 16 #include "base/logging.h" 18 #include "strings/join.h" 19 #include "base/flit.h" 21 #ifndef IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN 22 #error this file assumes little endian architecture 26 using strings::ByteRange;
34 constexpr uint16_t kMagic = 0x2ca7;
35 constexpr uint32_t kMaxHeaderSize = 11;
36 constexpr uint32_t SEQ_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE = 17;
37 constexpr uint32_t SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE = 1U << SEQ_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE;
40 constexpr uint32_t MAX_BATCH_SIZE = SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE * 8;
42 constexpr uint32_t SEQ_DICT_MAX_SIZE = 1U << 17;
45 constexpr
unsigned kArrLengthLimit = 1 << 14;
46 constexpr
unsigned kLenLimit = (1 << 16);
48 #define CHECK_ZSTDERR(res) do { auto foo = (res); \ 49 CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(foo)) << ZSTD_getErrorName(foo); } while(false) 51 inline uint32_t InlineCode(uint32_t len) {
return (len << 1) | 0;}
52 inline uint32_t DictCode(uint32_t
id) {
return (
id << 1) | 1;}
53 inline bool IsDictCode(uint32_t code) {
return (code & 1) != 0;}
55 constexpr uint32_t kDictHeaderSize = 6;
58 static uint8_t *svb_encode_scalar(
const uint16_t *in,
59 uint8_t *__restrict__ key_ptr, uint8_t *__restrict__ data_ptr,
66 for (uint32_t c = 0; c < count; c++) {
73 uint8_t code = _encode_data(val, &data_ptr);
85 size_t streamvbyte_encode(
const uint16_t *in, uint32_t count, uint8_t *out) {
86 uint8_t *keyPtr = out;
87 uint32_t keyLen = (count + 7) / 8;
88 uint8_t *dataPtr = keyPtr + keyLen;
89 return svb_encode_scalar(in, keyPtr, dataPtr, count) - out;
93 uint8* encode_pair(uint16 a, uint16 b, uint8* dest) {
94 uint32 v = (a & 0xf) | ((b & 0xf) << 4);
99 v |= ((a & 0xf) | ((b & 0xf) << 4)) << 8;
102 return Varint::Encode32(dest, v);
115 unsigned DeltaEncode16(
const uint16* src,
unsigned cnt, uint16* dest) {
117 string tmp = absl::StrJoin(src, src + cnt,
118 LOG(INFO) <<
"Adding " << cnt <<
": " << tmp;
120 uint16* dest_orig = dest;
126 const uint16* end = src + cnt;
127 uint16 prev = *src++;
128 uint16 prev_dest = prev;
131 for (; src < end; ++src) {
132 DCHECK_LT(prev, *src);
134 unsigned is_prev_dest_small = (prev_dest < internal::kSmallNum);
135 uint16 delta = *src - prev - 1;
137 if (delta == prev_dest && is_prev_dest_small) {
144 *dest++ = ((rep - 1) << 1) | 1;
147 *dest++ = prev_dest << 1;
148 *dest++ = delta << 1;
153 *dest++ = (delta << is_prev_dest_small);
160 *dest++ = ((rep - 1) << 1) | 1;
162 *dest++ = prev_dest << 1;
165 return dest - dest_orig;
169 uint32_t DeltaAndFlitEncode(LiteralDictBase::SymbId* src, uint32_t cnt,
170 LiteralDictBase::SymbId* tmp,
172 using SymbId = LiteralDictBase::SymbId;
173 std::sort(src, src + cnt);
175 uint32_t out_sz = DeltaEncode16(src, cnt, tmp);
177 DCHECK_LE(out_sz, cnt);
179 uint8* start = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dest);
181 SymbId current = tmp[0];
182 for (
unsigned j = 1; j < out_sz; ++j) {
185 next += flit::EncodeT<uint32_t>(current, next);
188 next += flit::EncodeT<uint32_t>(current, next);
194 template<
typename T>
void LiteralDict<T>::Build() {
195 using iterator =
typename decltype(freq_map_)::iterator;
197 vector<pair<unsigned, iterator>> freq_arr;
198 freq_arr.reserve(freq_map_.size());
200 for (
auto it = begin(freq_map_); it != end(freq_map_); ++it) {
201 freq_arr.emplace_back(it->second.cnt, it);
203 std::sort(begin(freq_arr), end(freq_arr),
204 [](
const auto& val1,
const auto& val2) {
return val1.first > val2.first; }
207 alphabet_.resize(freq_arr.size());
209 for (
unsigned i = 0; i < freq_arr.size(); ++i) {
210 const iterator& it = freq_arr[i].second;
217 template<
typename T>
size_t LiteralDict<T>::GetMaxSerializedSize()
const {
218 return sizeof(T) * alphabet_.size();
221 template<
typename T>
size_t LiteralDict<T>::SerializeTo(uint8_t* dest)
const {
224 for (
const auto& t : alphabet_) {
225 LittleEndian::StoreT(
typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type(t), ptr);
231 template<
typename T>
bool LiteralDict<T>::Resolve(
const T* src, uint32_t count, SymbId* dest) {
232 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
233 auto res = freq_map_.emplace(src[i], Record{});
235 if (alphabet_.size() >= kMaxAlphabetSize) {
236 freq_map_.erase(res.first);
240 res.first->second.id = alphabet_.size();
241 alphabet_.push_back(src[i]);
244 LittleEndian::Store16(dest + i, res.first->second.id);
250 ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,
const ZSTD_parameters& p) {
251 os <<
"wlog: " << p.cParams.windowLog <<
", clog: " << p.cParams.chainLog <<
", strategy: " 252 << p.cParams.strategy <<
", slog: " << p.cParams.searchLog <<
", cntflag: " 253 << p.fParams.contentSizeFlag <<
", hashlog: " << p.cParams.hashLog;
262 void operator=(
const ZstdCntx&) =
265 context = ZSTD_createCCtx();
269 ZSTD_freeCCtx(context);
276 void BlockHeader::Read(
const uint8_t* src) {
279 const uint8_t* next = src + 1;
280 if (flags & kDictBit) {
281 num_sequences = LittleEndian::Load16(next);
282 byte_len_size_comprs = LittleEndian::Load24(next + 2);
285 num_sequences = byte_len_size_comprs = 0;
287 sequence_size_comprs = LittleEndian::Load24(next);
290 uint8 BlockHeader::Write(uint8_t* dest)
const {
291 LittleEndian::Store16(dest, kMagic);
294 uint8* next = dest + 3;
295 if (flags & kDictBit) {
296 LittleEndian::Store16(next, num_sequences);
297 LittleEndian::Store24(next + 2, byte_len_size_comprs);
300 LittleEndian::Store24(next, sequence_size_comprs);
301 return next - dest + 3;
305 uint8_t BlockHeader::HeaderSize(uint8_t flags) {
306 if (flags & kDictBit) {
317 void operator=(
const Zstd&) =
320 context = ZSTD_createDCtx();
324 ZSTD_freeDCtx(context);
327 size_t offset()
const {
return SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE * (start & 1); }
330 SeqEncoderBase::SeqEncoderBase() {
331 seq_map_.set_empty_key(ByteRange());
332 dict_seq_map_.set_empty_key(strings::ByteRange());
334 prev_block_.reserve(SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE);
336 zstd_cntx_.reset(
new ZstdCntx);
337 tmp_symb_.reserve(kArrLengthLimit);
340 SeqEncoderBase::~SeqEncoderBase() {
343 void SeqEncoderBase::AddCompressedBuf(
const BlockHeader& bh) {
344 VLOG(1) <<
"Adding compressed block: " << bh.num_sequences
345 <<
"/" << bh.byte_len_size_comprs <<
"/" << bh.sequence_size_comprs
346 <<
"/" << int(bh.flags);
348 size_t blob_sz = bh.byte_len_size_comprs + bh.sequence_size_comprs;
349 std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> cb(
new uint8_t[blob_sz + kMaxHeaderSize]);
351 uint8_t offset = bh.Write(cb.get());
352 memcpy(cb.get() + offset, compress_data_.begin(), blob_sz);
354 compressed_blocks_.emplace_back(cb.get(), blob_sz + offset);
355 compressed_bufs_.emplace_back(std::move(cb));
358 bool SeqEncoderBase::LearnSeqDict(strings::ByteRange key) {
359 auto res = seq_map_.emplace(key, EntryVal{});
360 EntryVal& ev = res.first->second;
364 const uint8_t* ptr = res.first->first.data();
365 DCHECK_GE(ptr, lit_data_.data());
366 DCHECK_LT(ptr, lit_data_.data() + lit_data_.capacity());
368 duplicate_seq_.push_back(ptr - lit_data_.data());
374 uint32 SeqEncoderBase::Cost()
const {
375 uint32_t cost = lit_data_.size();
377 for (
auto block : compressed_blocks_) {
378 cost += block.size();
381 if (state_ == LIT_DICT) {
382 cost += len_code_.size() *
387 void SeqEncoderBase::AnalyzePreDict() {
388 uint32_t alplhabet_size = PrepareDict();
389 if (state_ == NO_LIT_DICT)
392 uint32_t lit_cnt = lit_data_.size() /
394 SymbId* symb_arr = reinterpret_cast<SymbId*>(lit_data_.data());
396 uint8_t* dest = lit_data_.begin();
397 uint32_t delta_flit_bytes = 0;
399 for (
size_t i = 0; i < len_code_.size(); ++i) {
400 uint32_t lit_num = len_code_[i];
402 uint32_t bytes_num = DeltaAndFlitEncode(symb_arr, lit_num, tmp_symb_.begin(), dest);
405 DCHECK_LE(bytes_num, lit_num *
407 bool new_entry = disable_seq_dict_ || LearnSeqDict(ByteRange(dest, bytes_num));
411 len_code_[i] = InlineCode(bytes_num);
413 len_code_[i] = DictCode(bytes_num);
417 delta_flit_bytes += bytes_num;
420 size_t delta_flit_cost = alplhabet_size * literal_size_ + delta_flit_bytes;
424 CHECK_LT(delta_flit_cost, literal_size_ * lit_cnt) <<
"TBD to fallback.";
426 size_t seq_size = dest - lit_data_.data();
427 lit_data_.resize_assume_reserved(seq_size);
432 if (seq_size + seq_map_.size() * 2 > delta_flit_bytes) {
433 VLOG(1) <<
"Falling back to no sequence. Reason: " << seq_size + seq_map_.size() * 2
434 <<
" vs " << delta_flit_bytes;
435 for (
auto& k_v : seq_map_) {
436 k_v.second.ref_cnt = 0;
440 AnalyzeSequenceDict();
443 VLOG(1) <<
"original/flit: " << added_lit_cnt_ * literal_size_ <<
"/" << lit_data_.size();
446 void SeqEncoderBase::CompressRawLit(
bool final) {
447 DCHECK_EQ(state_, NO_LIT_DICT);
449 size_t csz1 = ZSTD_compressBound(lit_data_.size());
451 compress_data_.reserve(csz1);
452 size_t res = ZSTD_compress(compress_data_.begin(), csz1,
453 lit_data_.data(), lit_data_.size(), 1);
454 CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(res)) << ZSTD_getErrorName(res);
455 VLOG(1) <<
"CompressRawLit: from " << lit_data_.size() <<
" to " << res;
458 bh.flags = (
final ? BlockHeader::kFinalBit : 0);
460 bh.sequence_size_comprs = res;
462 AddCompressedBuf(bh);
468 void SeqEncoderBase::CompressFlitSequences(
bool final) {
469 DCHECK_EQ(state_, LIT_DICT);
470 CHECK_LT(len_code_.size(), kLenLimit);
473 tmp_space_.reserve(len_code_.size() * 3);
476 for (
const uint32_t val : len_code_) {
477 len_size += flit::EncodeT<uint32_t>(val, tmp_space_.data() + len_size);
479 CHECK_LE(len_size, tmp_space_.capacity());
482 bh.flags = BlockHeader::kDictBit | (
final ? BlockHeader::kFinalBit : 0);
483 bh.num_sequences = len_code_.size();
485 if (!dict_seq_.empty()) {
486 bh.flags |= BlockHeader::kDictSeqBit;
489 size_t csz1 = ZSTD_compressBound(len_size);
490 size_t csz2 = ZSTD_compressBound(lit_data_.size());
492 size_t upper_bound = csz1 + csz2;
493 compress_data_.reserve(upper_bound);
495 uint8_t* compress_pos = compress_data_.begin();
497 size_t res = ZSTD_compress(compress_pos, csz1,
498 tmp_space_.data(), len_size, 1);
499 CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(res)) << ZSTD_getErrorName(res);
500 bh.byte_len_size_comprs = res;
503 if (zstd_cntx_->start) {
504 CHECK(compressed_blocks_.empty() && compressed_bufs_.empty());
507 if (!dict_seq_.empty()) {
508 zstd_dict_.reset(
new uint8[1 << 17]);
509 std::vector<size_t> ss(dict_seq_.len_array().begin(), dict_seq_.len_array().end());
511 zstd_dict_size_ = ZDICT_trainFromBuffer(zstd_dict_.get(), 1 << 17,
512 dict_seq_.data().data(), ss.data(), ss.size());
513 VLOG(1) <<
"Zdict dictsize: " << zstd_dict_size_;
518 ZSTD_parameters params{ZSTD_getCParams(6, 0 , zstd_dict_size_),
519 ZSTD_frameParameters()};
521 params.cParams.windowLog = SEQ_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE + 1;
522 params.cParams.hashLog = SEQ_BLOCK_LOG_SIZE - 2;
525 VLOG(1) <<
"Using: " << params;
527 CHECK_ZSTDERR(ZSTD_compressBegin_advanced(
528 zstd_cntx_->context, zstd_dict_.get(), zstd_dict_size_, params, ZSTD_CONTENTSIZE_UNKNOWN));
529 zstd_cntx_->start =
532 bool finish_frame =
534 auto func = finish_frame ? ZSTD_compressEnd : ZSTD_compressContinue;
535 res = func(zstd_cntx_->context, compress_pos, csz2, lit_data_.data(), lit_data_.size());
537 bh.sequence_size_comprs = res;
540 size_t real_size = compress_pos - compress_data_.begin();
541 VLOG(1) <<
"flit/compressed: " << lit_data_.size() <<
"/" << real_size + kMaxHeaderSize;
543 CHECK_LE(real_size, upper_bound);
545 AddCompressedBuf(bh);
548 VLOG(1) <<
"SeqDict referenced " << dict_ref_bytes_;
549 zstd_cntx_->start =
553 lit_data_.swap(prev_block_);
559 void SeqEncoderBase::AnalyzeSequenceDict() {
560 using iterator = decltype(seq_map_)::iterator;
561 std::vector<pair<unsigned, iterator>> sorted_it;
564 for (
auto it = seq_map_.begin(); it != seq_map_.end(); ++it) {
565 if (it->first.size() > 1 && it->second.ref_cnt > 1)
566 sorted_it.emplace_back(it->second.ref_cnt, it);
568 it->second.ref_cnt = 0;
571 std::sort(sorted_it.begin(), sorted_it.end(),
572 [](
const pair<unsigned, iterator>& p1,
const pair<unsigned, iterator>& p2) {
573 return p1.first > p2.first;
576 size_t selected_size = 0, ref_bytes = 0;
578 auto it = sorted_it.begin();
581 for (; it != sorted_it.end(); ++it) {
582 ByteRange seq_str = it->second->first;
583 EntryVal& ev = it->second->second;
585 if (selected_size + seq_str.size() >= SEQ_DICT_MAX_SIZE) {
588 VLOG(2) <<
"Choosen dict with factor " << ev.ref_cnt <<
", size " << seq_str.size();
591 ev.dict_id = dict_seq_.Add(seq_str.begin(), seq_str.end());
593 selected_size += seq_str.size();
596 ref_bytes += seq_str.size() * ev.ref_cnt;
598 dict_nominal_ratio_ = ref_bytes * 1.0 / (selected_size + 1);
600 size_t dict_count = it - sorted_it.begin();
602 VLOG(1) <<
"Dictionary will take " << selected_size <<
" bytes and will represent " 603 << ref_bytes <<
" bytes with " << dict_count <<
" items, leaving " 604 << sorted_it.size() - dict_count;
605 VLOG(1) <<
"original/flit: " << added_lit_cnt_ * literal_size_ <<
"/" << lit_data_.size();
608 for (; it != sorted_it.end(); ++it) {
609 it->second->second.ref_cnt = 0;
614 unsigned dict_index = 0;
615 CHECK(dict_seq_map_.empty());
616 for (
auto it = dict_seq_.begin(); it != dict_seq_.end(); ++it) {
617 auto res = dict_seq_map_.emplace(*it, dict_index++);
622 uint32_t inline_index = 0, dest_index = 0, duplicate_index = 0;
623 base::PODArray<uint8> seq_data(pmr::get_default_resource());
624 seq_data.reserve(SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE);
625 seq_data.swap(lit_data_);
627 const uint8* key_src = seq_data.data();
628 size_t len_size = len_code_.size();
636 for (
size_t i = 0; i < len_size; ++i, ++dest_index) {
637 uint32_t len_code = len_code_[i];
638 uint32_t len = len_code >> 1;
640 if (IsDictCode(len_code)) {
641 ref_entry.reset(seq_data.data() + duplicate_seq_[duplicate_index++], len);
643 ref_entry.reset(key_src, len);
647 auto it = seq_map_.find(ref_entry);
649 CHECK(it != seq_map_.end());
650 const EntryVal& ev = it->second;
653 if (ev.ref_cnt < 2) {
654 if (len + lit_data_.size() > SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE ||
655 dest_index >= kLenLimit) {
656 len_code_.resize_assume_reserved(dest_index);
657 CompressFlitSequences(
661 lit_data_.insert(ref_entry.begin(), ref_entry.end());
664 len_code_[dest_index] = InlineCode(len);
666 dict_ref_bytes_ += len;
667 len_code_[dest_index] = DictCode(ev.dict_id);
670 CHECK_EQ(duplicate_index, duplicate_seq_.size());
671 CHECK_EQ(dict_ref_bytes_, ref_bytes);
674 len_code_.resize_assume_reserved(dest_index);
677 bool SeqEncoderBase::PrepareForSymbAvailability(uint32_t cnt) {
678 DCHECK_LE(cnt *
sizeof(SymbId), lit_data_.capacity());
683 DCHECK(lit_data_.capacity() == SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE || lit_data_.capacity() == MAX_BATCH_SIZE);
684 DCHECK(!seq_map_.empty() || lit_data_.capacity() == SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE);
686 if (cnt *
sizeof(SymbId) + lit_data_.size() > lit_data_.capacity()) {
687 if (!seq_map_.empty()) {
689 AnalyzeSequenceDict();
692 CHECK_EQ(LIT_DICT, state_);
693 CompressFlitSequences(
698 void SeqEncoderBase::BacktrackToRaw() {
699 if (lit_data_.size() >= SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE / 8 ) {
701 CompressFlitSequences(
703 LOG(FATAL) <<
"TBD_INFLATE the current buffer back to raw literals";
705 state_ = NO_LIT_DICT;
708 void SeqEncoderBase::AddEncodedSymbols(SymbId* src, uint32 cnt) {
709 uint8* next = end(lit_data_);
711 uint32_t bytes_num = DeltaAndFlitEncode(src, cnt, tmp_symb_.begin(), next);
713 ByteRange candidate(next, bytes_num);
714 uint32_t code = InlineCode(bytes_num);
716 if (!seq_map_.empty()) {
717 bool new_entry = LearnSeqDict(candidate);
720 code = DictCode(bytes_num);
723 }
else if (!dict_seq_map_.empty()) {
724 auto it = dict_seq_map_.find(candidate);
725 if (it != dict_seq_map_.end()) {
726 code = DictCode(it->second);
727 dict_ref_bytes_ += bytes_num;
733 len_code_.push_back(code);
735 lit_data_.resize_assume_reserved(lit_data_.size() + bytes_num);
738 void SeqEncoderBase::Flush() {
739 if (state_ == PRE_DICT) {
743 if (!seq_map_.empty()) {
744 AnalyzeSequenceDict();
747 if (state_ == LIT_DICT) {
748 CompressFlitSequences(
750 CompressRawLit(
758 template <
size_t INT_SIZE> SeqEncoder<INT_SIZE>::SeqEncoder() {
759 literal_size_ = INT_SIZE;
764 template <
size_t INT_SIZE>
void SeqEncoder<INT_SIZE>::Add(
const UT* src,
unsigned cnt) {
765 CHECK_LT(cnt, kArrLengthLimit);
768 size_t added_bytes = cnt * INT_SIZE;
769 bool finished =
773 if (added_bytes + lit_data_.size() <= lit_data_.capacity()) {
774 uint8* dest = lit_data_.end();
775 memcpy(dest, src, INT_SIZE * cnt);
776 len_code_.push_back(cnt);
777 lit_data_.resize(lit_data_.size() + added_bytes);
780 if (lit_data_.capacity() == 0) {
781 lit_data_.reserve(disable_seq_dict_ ? SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE : MAX_BATCH_SIZE);
790 finished = AddDictEncoded(src, cnt);
798 added_lit_cnt_ += cnt;
801 template <
size_t INT_SIZE>
bool SeqEncoder<INT_SIZE>::GetDictSerialized(std::string* dest) {
802 if (state_ == NO_LIT_DICT)
805 size_t max_size = kDictHeaderSize + dict_.GetMaxSerializedSize();
806 if (!dict_seq_.empty()) {
807 max_size += dict_seq_.GetMaxSerializedSize();
810 dest->resize(max_size);
812 uint8_t* start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&dest->front());
813 size_t dict_sz = dict_.SerializeTo(start + kDictHeaderSize);
816 LittleEndian::Store24(start, dict_sz);
817 if (!dict_seq_.empty()) {
818 seq_sz = dict_seq_.SerializeTo(start + kDictHeaderSize + dict_sz);
820 LittleEndian::Store24(start + 3, seq_sz);
822 dest->resize(dict_sz + seq_sz + kDictHeaderSize);
827 template <
size_t INT_SIZE>
bool SeqEncoder<INT_SIZE>::AddDictEncoded(
const UT* src,
unsigned cnt) {
828 if (!PrepareForSymbAvailability(cnt))
834 if (!dict_.Resolve(src, cnt, tmp_symb_.begin())) {
839 AddEncodedSymbols(tmp_symb_.begin(), cnt);
844 template <
size_t INT_SIZE> uint32_t SeqEncoder<INT_SIZE>::PrepareDict() {
845 CHECK_EQ(0, dict_.alphabet_size());
847 constexpr
size_t kLiteralSize = INT_SIZE;
849 uint32_t lit_cnt = lit_data_.size() / kLiteralSize;
851 const UT* src = reinterpret_cast<UT*>(lit_data_.data());
852 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lit_cnt; ++i) {
856 if (dict_.dict_size() >= LiteralDictBase::kMaxAlphabetSize || dict_.dict_size() >= lit_cnt/2) {
857 state_ = NO_LIT_DICT;
865 SymbId* dest = reinterpret_cast<SymbId*>(lit_data_.data());
867 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < lit_cnt; ++i) {
868 SymbId
id = dict_.Resolve(src[i]);
870 CHECK(
id != LiteralDictBase::kInvalidId) << src[i];
872 LittleEndian::Store16(dest + i,
874 lit_data_.resize_assume_reserved(lit_cnt *
876 return dict_.alphabet_size();
881 SeqDecoderBase::SeqDecoderBase() {
882 data_buf_.reserve(SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE);
885 SeqDecoderBase::~SeqDecoderBase() {}
887 void SeqDecoderBase::SetDict(
const uint8_t* src,
unsigned cnt) {
890 uint32_t lit_dict_sz = LittleEndian::Load24(src);
891 uint32_t seq_dict_sz = LittleEndian::Load24(src + 3);
892 CHECK_EQ(cnt, lit_dict_sz + seq_dict_sz + 6);
895 SetLitDict(ByteRange(src, lit_dict_sz));
899 if (seq_dict_sz > 0) {
900 seq_dict_.SerializeFrom(src, seq_dict_sz);
903 seq_dict_range_.clear();
904 for (
auto it = seq_dict_.begin(); it != seq_dict_.end(); ++it) {
905 seq_dict_range_.push_back(*it);
909 int SeqDecoderBase::Decompress(strings::ByteRange br, uint32_t* consumed) {
916 uint16_t magic = LittleEndian::Load16(br.data());
917 CHECK_EQ(magic, kMagic);
919 size_t hs = BlockHeader::HeaderSize(br[2]) + 2;
920 if (br.size() < hs) {
923 bh_.Read(br.data() + 2);
930 size_t total_sz = bh_.byte_len_size_comprs + bh_.sequence_size_comprs;
931 if (br.size() < total_sz)
934 if (bh_.flags & BlockHeader::kDictBit) {
936 zstd_cntx_.reset(
new Zstd);
937 data_buf_.reserve(SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE * 2 + 8);
938 code_buf_.reserve(SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE);
941 DecompressCodes(br.data());
942 br.advance(bh_.byte_len_size_comprs);
944 if (zstd_cntx_->start & 2) {
945 VLOG(1) <<
"Decompressing new frame";
947 ZSTD_decompressBegin(zstd_cntx_->context);
948 zstd_cntx_->start &= 1;
950 zstd_cntx_->start ^= 1;
953 next_flit_ptr_ = data_buf_.data() + zstd_cntx_->offset();
956 sz = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zstd_cntx_->context);
957 CHECK_LE(sz, br.size());
962 size_t res = ZSTD_decompressContinue(zstd_cntx_->context, next_flit_ptr_,
963 SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE, br.data(), sz);
969 data_buf_.resize_assume_reserved(next_flit_ptr_ + res - data_buf_.data());
970 sz = ZSTD_nextSrcSizeToDecompress(zstd_cntx_->context);
979 zstd_cntx_->start |= 2;
980 DCHECK(bh_.flags & BlockHeader::kFinalBit);
983 size_t res = ZSTD_decompress(data_buf_.data(), data_buf_.capacity(), br.data(),
984 bh_.sequence_size_comprs);
985 CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(res)) << ZSTD_getErrorName(res);
986 data_buf_.resize_assume_reserved(res);
989 *consumed += total_sz;
990 read_header_ =
991 return (bh_.flags & BlockHeader::kFinalBit) ? 0 : 1;
994 void SeqDecoderBase::DecompressCodes(
const uint8_t* src) {
995 len_code_.resize(bh_.num_sequences);
997 size_t res = ZSTD_decompress(code_buf_.data(), code_buf_.capacity(), src,
998 bh_.byte_len_size_comprs);
999 CHECK(!ZSTD_isError(res)) << ZSTD_getErrorName(res);
1001 uint8_t* next = code_buf_.data(), *end = next + res;
1003 while (next < end && index < len_code_.size()) {
1004 next += flit::ParseT(next, &len_code_[index]);
1007 CHECK_EQ(index, len_code_.size());
1008 CHECK_EQ(next, end);
1011 void SeqDecoderBase::InflateSequences() {
1012 const uint8_t* end_capacity = data_buf_.data() + data_buf_.capacity();
1014 for (; next_seq_id_ < len_code_.size(); ++next_seq_id_) {
1015 uint32_t len_code = len_code_[next_seq_id_];
1017 bool success =
1018 if (IsDictCode(len_code)) {
1019 CHECK(!seq_dict_.empty());
1021 uint32_t
id = len_code >> 1;
1022 CHECK_LT(
id, seq_dict_range_.size());
1023 const ByteRange& src = seq_dict_range_[id];
1024 success = AddFlitSeq(src);
1026 len = len_code >> 1;
1028 CHECK_LE(next_flit_ptr_ + len, end_capacity);
1029 success = AddFlitSeq(ByteRange(next_flit_ptr_, len));
1036 next_flit_ptr_ += len;
1041 template<
size_t INT_SIZE> SeqDecoder<INT_SIZE>::SeqDecoder() {
1042 int_buf_.reserve(SEQ_BLOCK_SIZE / INT_SIZE);
1045 template<
size_t INT_SIZE>
auto SeqDecoder<INT_SIZE>::GetNextIntPage() -> IntRange {
1046 if (!(bh_.flags & BlockHeader::kDictBit)) {
1047 CHECK_EQ(0, data_buf_.size() % INT_SIZE);
1049 IntRange res(reinterpret_cast<UT*>(data_buf_.data()), data_buf_.size() / INT_SIZE);
1058 next_int_ptr_ = int_buf_.data();
1062 int_buf_.resize_assume_reserved(next_int_ptr_ - int_buf_.data());
1064 return IntRange(int_buf_.data(), next_int_ptr_);
1067 template<
size_t INT_SIZE>
void SeqDecoder<INT_SIZE>::SetLitDict(strings::ByteRange br) {
1068 CHECK_EQ(0, br.size() % INT_SIZE);
1070 lit_dict_.resize(br.size() / INT_SIZE);
1071 memcpy(lit_dict_.data(), br.data(), br.size());
1075 template<
size_t INT_SIZE>
bool SeqDecoder<INT_SIZE>::AddFlitSeq(strings::ByteRange src) {
1076 size_t sz = next_int_ptr_ - int_buf_.begin();
1077 if (sz >= int_buf_.capacity())
1080 uint32_t left_capacity = int_buf_.capacity() - sz;
1082 internal::DeflateFlitAndMap(
1083 src.data(), src.size(),
1084 [
unsigned id) {
return lit_dict_[id];},
1085 next_int_ptr_, left_capacity);
1086 if (expanded > left_capacity)
1089 next_int_ptr_ += expanded;
1094 template class SeqEncoder<4>;
1095 template class SeqEncoder<8>;
1097 template class SeqDecoder<4>;
1098 template class SeqDecoder<8>;