1 //
2 // Copyright 2003 Google, Inc.
3 //
4 //
5 // A simple class to handle 3x3 matrices
6 // The aim of this class is to be able to manipulate 3x3 matrices
7 // and 3D vectors as naturally as possible and make calculations
8 // readable.
9 // For that reason, the operators +, -, * are overloaded.
10 // (Reading a = a + b*2 - c is much easier to read than
11 // a = Sub(Add(a, Mul(b,2)),c) )
12 //
13 // Please be careful about overflows when using those matrices wth integer types
14 // The calculations are carried with VType. eg : if you are using uint8 as the
15 // base type, all values will be modulo 256.
16 // This feature is necessary to use the class in a more general framework with
17 // VType != plain old data type.
19 #ifndef UTIL_MATH_MATRIX3X3_INL_H__
20 #define UTIL_MATH_MATRIX3X3_INL_H__
21 #include <iostream>
22 using std::ostream;
23 using std::cout;
24 using std::endl;
27 #include "util/math/mathutil.h"
28 #include "util/math/vector3-inl.h"
29 #include "util/math/matrix3x3.h"
30 #include "base/integral_types.h"
31 #include "base/logging.h"
33 template <class VType>
34 class Matrix3x3 {
35  private:
36  VType m_[3][3];
37  public:
38  typedef Matrix3x3<VType> Self;
39  typedef Vector3<VType> MVector;
40  // Initialize the matrix to 0
41  Matrix3x3() {
42  m_[0][2] = m_[0][1] = m_[0][0] = VType();
43  m_[1][2] = m_[1][1] = m_[1][0] = VType();
44  m_[2][2] = m_[2][1] = m_[2][0] = VType();
45  }
47  // Constructor explicitly setting the values of all the coefficient of
48  // the matrix
49  Matrix3x3(const VType &m00, const VType &m01, const VType &m02,
50  const VType &m10, const VType &m11, const VType &m12,
51  const VType &m20, const VType &m21, const VType &m22) {
52  m_[0][0] = m00;
53  m_[0][1] = m01;
54  m_[0][2] = m02;
56  m_[1][0] = m10;
57  m_[1][1] = m11;
58  m_[1][2] = m12;
60  m_[2][0] = m20;
61  m_[2][1] = m21;
62  m_[2][2] = m22;
63  }
65  // Copy constructor
66  Matrix3x3(const Self &mb) {
67  m_[0][0] = mb.m_[0][0];
68  m_[0][1] = mb.m_[0][1];
69  m_[0][2] = mb.m_[0][2];
71  m_[1][0] = mb.m_[1][0];
72  m_[1][1] = mb.m_[1][1];
73  m_[1][2] = mb.m_[1][2];
75  m_[2][0] = mb.m_[2][0];
76  m_[2][1] = mb.m_[2][1];
77  m_[2][2] = mb.m_[2][2];
78  }
80  // Casting constructor
81  template <class VType2>
82  static Self Cast(const Matrix3x3<VType2> &mb) {
83  return Self(static_cast<VType>(mb(0, 0)),
84  static_cast<VType>(mb(0, 1)),
85  static_cast<VType>(mb(0, 2)),
86  static_cast<VType>(mb(1, 0)),
87  static_cast<VType>(mb(1, 1)),
88  static_cast<VType>(mb(1, 2)),
89  static_cast<VType>(mb(2, 0)),
90  static_cast<VType>(mb(2, 1)),
91  static_cast<VType>(mb(2, 2)));
92  }
94  // Change the value of all the coefficients of the matrix
95  inline Self &
96  Set(const VType &m00, const VType &m01, const VType &m02,
97  const VType &m10, const VType &m11, const VType &m12,
98  const VType &m20, const VType &m21, const VType &m22) {
99  m_[0][0] = m00;
100  m_[0][1] = m01;
101  m_[0][2] = m02;
103  m_[1][0] = m10;
104  m_[1][1] = m11;
105  m_[1][2] = m12;
107  m_[2][0] = m20;
108  m_[2][1] = m21;
109  m_[2][2] = m22;
110  return (*this);
111  }
113  // Copy
114  inline Self& operator=(const Self &mb) {
115  m_[0][0] = mb.m_[0][0];
116  m_[0][1] = mb.m_[0][1];
117  m_[0][2] = mb.m_[0][2];
119  m_[1][0] = mb.m_[1][0];
120  m_[1][1] = mb.m_[1][1];
121  m_[1][2] = mb.m_[1][2];
123  m_[2][0] = mb.m_[2][0];
124  m_[2][1] = mb.m_[2][1];
125  m_[2][2] = mb.m_[2][2];
126  return (*this);
127  }
129  // Compare
130  inline bool operator==(const Self &mb) const {
131  return (m_[0][0] == mb.m_[0][0]) &&
132  (m_[0][1] == mb.m_[0][1]) &&
133  (m_[0][2] == mb.m_[0][2]) &&
134  (m_[1][0] == mb.m_[1][0]) &&
135  (m_[1][1] == mb.m_[1][1]) &&
136  (m_[1][2] == mb.m_[1][2]) &&
137  (m_[2][0] == mb.m_[2][0]) &&
138  (m_[2][1] == mb.m_[2][1]) &&
139  (m_[2][2] == mb.m_[2][2]);
140  }
142  // Matrix addition
143  inline Self& operator+=(const Self &mb) {
144  m_[0][0] += mb.m_[0][0];
145  m_[0][1] += mb.m_[0][1];
146  m_[0][2] += mb.m_[0][2];
148  m_[1][0] += mb.m_[1][0];
149  m_[1][1] += mb.m_[1][1];
150  m_[1][2] += mb.m_[1][2];
152  m_[2][0] += mb.m_[2][0];
153  m_[2][1] += mb.m_[2][1];
154  m_[2][2] += mb.m_[2][2];
155  return (*this);
156  }
158  // Matrix subtration
159  inline Self& operator-=(const Self &mb) {
160  m_[0][0] -= mb.m_[0][0];
161  m_[0][1] -= mb.m_[0][1];
162  m_[0][2] -= mb.m_[0][2];
164  m_[1][0] -= mb.m_[1][0];
165  m_[1][1] -= mb.m_[1][1];
166  m_[1][2] -= mb.m_[1][2];
168  m_[2][0] -= mb.m_[2][0];
169  m_[2][1] -= mb.m_[2][1];
170  m_[2][2] -= mb.m_[2][2];
171  return (*this);
172  }
174  // Matrix multiplication by a scalar
175  inline Self& operator*=(const VType &k) {
176  m_[0][0] *= k;
177  m_[0][1] *= k;
178  m_[0][2] *= k;
180  m_[1][0] *= k;
181  m_[1][1] *= k;
182  m_[1][2] *= k;
184  m_[2][0] *= k;
185  m_[2][1] *= k;
186  m_[2][2] *= k;
187  return (*this);
188  }
190  // Matrix addition
191  inline Self operator+(const Self &mb) const {
192  return Self(*this) += mb;
193  }
195  // Matrix subtraction
196  inline Self operator-(const Self &mb) const {
197  return Self(*this) -= mb;
198  }
200  // Change the sign of all the coefficients in the matrix
201  friend inline Self operator-(const Self &vb) {
202  return Self(-vb.m_[0][0], -vb.m_[0][1], -vb.m_[0][2],
203  -vb.m_[1][0], -vb.m_[1][1], -vb.m_[1][2],
204  -vb.m_[2][0], -vb.m_[2][1], -vb.m_[2][2]);
205  }
207  // Matrix multiplication by a scalar
208  inline Self operator*(const VType &k) const {
209  return Self(*this) *= k;
210  }
212  friend inline Self operator*(const VType &k, const Self &mb) {
213  return Self(mb)*k;
214  }
216  // Matrix multiplication
217  inline Self operator*(const Self &mb) const {
218  return Self(
219  m_[0][0] * mb.m_[0][0] + m_[0][1] * mb.m_[1][0] + m_[0][2] * mb.m_[2][0],
220  m_[0][0] * mb.m_[0][1] + m_[0][1] * mb.m_[1][1] + m_[0][2] * mb.m_[2][1],
221  m_[0][0] * mb.m_[0][2] + m_[0][1] * mb.m_[1][2] + m_[0][2] * mb.m_[2][2],
223  m_[1][0] * mb.m_[0][0] + m_[1][1] * mb.m_[1][0] + m_[1][2] * mb.m_[2][0],
224  m_[1][0] * mb.m_[0][1] + m_[1][1] * mb.m_[1][1] + m_[1][2] * mb.m_[2][1],
225  m_[1][0] * mb.m_[0][2] + m_[1][1] * mb.m_[1][2] + m_[1][2] * mb.m_[2][2],
227  m_[2][0] * mb.m_[0][0] + m_[2][1] * mb.m_[1][0] + m_[2][2] * mb.m_[2][0],
228  m_[2][0] * mb.m_[0][1] + m_[2][1] * mb.m_[1][1] + m_[2][2] * mb.m_[2][1],
229  m_[2][0] * mb.m_[0][2] + m_[2][1] * mb.m_[1][2] + m_[2][2] * mb.m_[2][2]);
230  }
232  // Multiplication of a matrix by a vector
233  inline MVector operator*(const MVector &v) const {
234  return MVector(
235  m_[0][0] * v[0] + m_[0][1] * v[1] + m_[0][2] * v[2],
236  m_[1][0] * v[0] + m_[1][1] * v[1] + m_[1][2] * v[2],
237  m_[2][0] * v[0] + m_[2][1] * v[1] + m_[2][2] * v[2]);
238  }
240  // Return the determinant of the matrix
241  inline VType Det(void) const {
242  return m_[0][0] * m_[1][1] * m_[2][2]
243  + m_[0][1] * m_[1][2] * m_[2][0]
244  + m_[0][2] * m_[1][0] * m_[2][1]
245  - m_[2][0] * m_[1][1] * m_[0][2]
246  - m_[2][1] * m_[1][2] * m_[0][0]
247  - m_[2][2] * m_[1][0] * m_[0][1];
248  }
250  // Return the trace of the matrix
251  inline VType Trace(void) const {
252  return m_[0][0] + m_[1][1] + m_[2][2];
253  }
255  // Return a pointer to the data array for interface with other libraries
256  // like opencv
257  VType* Data() {
258  return reinterpret_cast<VType*>(m_);
259  }
260  const VType* Data() const {
261  return reinterpret_cast<const VType*>(m_);
262  }
264  // Return matrix element (i,j) with 0<=i<=2 0<=j<=2
265  inline VType &operator()(const int i, const int j) {
266  DCHECK(i >= 0);
267  DCHECK(i < 3);
268  DCHECK(j >= 0);
269  DCHECK(j < 3);
270  return m_[i][j];
271  }
272  inline VType operator()(const int i, const int j) const {
273  DCHECK(i >= 0);
274  DCHECK(i < 3);
275  DCHECK(j >= 0);
276  DCHECK(j < 3);
277  return m_[i][j];
278  }
280  // Return matrix element (i/3,i%3) with 0<=i<=8 (access concatenated rows).
281  inline VType &operator[](const int i) {
282  DCHECK(i >= 0);
283  DCHECK(i < 9);
284  return reinterpret_cast<VType*>(m_)[i];
285  }
286  inline VType operator[](const int i) const {
287  DCHECK(i >= 0);
288  DCHECK(i < 9);
289  return reinterpret_cast<const VType*>(m_)[i];
290  }
292  // Return the transposed matrix
293  inline Self Transpose(void) const {
294  return Self(m_[0][0], m_[1][0], m_[2][0],
295  m_[0][1], m_[1][1], m_[2][1],
296  m_[0][2], m_[1][2], m_[2][2]);
297  }
299  // Return the transposed of the matrix of the cofactors
300  // (Useful for inversion for example)
301  inline Self ComatrixTransposed(void) const {
302  return Self(
303  m_[1][1] * m_[2][2] - m_[2][1] * m_[1][2],
304  m_[2][1] * m_[0][2] - m_[0][1] * m_[2][2],
305  m_[0][1] * m_[1][2] - m_[1][1] * m_[0][2],
307  m_[1][2] * m_[2][0] - m_[2][2] * m_[1][0],
308  m_[2][2] * m_[0][0] - m_[0][2] * m_[2][0],
309  m_[0][2] * m_[1][0] - m_[1][2] * m_[0][0],
311  m_[1][0] * m_[2][1] - m_[2][0] * m_[1][1],
312  m_[2][0] * m_[0][1] - m_[0][0] * m_[2][1],
313  m_[0][0] * m_[1][1] - m_[1][0] * m_[0][1]);
314  }
315  // Matrix inversion
316  inline Self Inverse(void) const {
317  VType det = Det();
318  CHECK(det != 0) << " Can't inverse. Determinant = 0.";
319  return (1/det) * ComatrixTransposed();
320  }
322  // Return the vector 3D at row i
323  inline MVector Row(const int i) const {
324  DCHECK(i >= 0);
325  DCHECK(i < 3);
326  return MVector(m_[i][0], m_[i][1], m_[i][2]);
327  }
329  // Return the vector 3D at col i
330  inline MVector Col(const int i) const {
331  DCHECK(i >= 0);
332  DCHECK(i < 3);
333  return MVector(m_[0][i], m_[1][i], m_[2][i]);
334  }
336  // Create a matrix from 3 row vectors
337  static inline Self FromRows(const MVector &v1,
338  const MVector &v2,
339  const MVector &v3) {
340  Self temp;
341  temp.Set(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2],
342  v2[0], v2[1], v2[2],
343  v3[0], v3[1], v3[2]);
344  return temp;
345  }
347  // Create a matrix from 3 column vectors
348  static inline Self FromCols(const MVector &v1,
349  const MVector &v2,
350  const MVector &v3) {
351  Self temp;
352  temp.Set(v1[0], v2[0], v3[0],
353  v1[1], v2[1], v3[1],
354  v1[2], v2[2], v3[2]);
355  return temp;
356  }
358  // Set the vector in row i to be v1
359  void SetRow(int i, const MVector &v1) {
360  DCHECK(i >= 0);
361  DCHECK(i < 3);
362  m_[i][0] = v1[0];
363  m_[i][1] = v1[1];
364  m_[i][2] = v1[2];
365  }
367  // Set the vector in column i to be v1
368  void SetCol(int i, const MVector &v1) {
369  DCHECK(i >= 0);
370  DCHECK(i < 3);
371  m_[0][i] = v1[0];
372  m_[1][i] = v1[1];
373  m_[2][i] = v1[2];
374  }
376  // Return a matrix M close to the original but verifying MtM = I
377  // (useful to compensate for errors in a rotation matrix)
378  Self Orthogonalize() const {
379  MVector r1, r2, r3;
380  r1 = Row(0).Normalize();
381  r2 = (Row(2).CrossProd(r1)).Normalize();
382  r3 = (r1.CrossProd(r2)).Normalize();
383  return FromRows(r1, r2, r3);
384  }
386  // Return the identity matrix
387  static inline Self Identity(void) {
388  Self temp;
389  temp.Set(1, 0, 0,
390  0, 1, 0,
391  0, 0, 1);
392  return temp;
393  }
395  // Return a matrix full of zeros
396  static inline Self Zero(void) {
397  return Self();
398  }
400  // Return a diagonal matrix with the coefficients in v
401  static inline Self Diagonal(const MVector &v) {
402  return Self(v[0], VType(), VType(),
403  VType(), v[1], VType(),
404  VType(), VType(), v[2]);
405  }
407  // Return the matrix vvT
408  static Self Sym3(const MVector &v) {
409  return Self(
410  v[0]*v[0], v[0]*v[1], v[0]*v[2],
411  v[1]*v[0], v[1]*v[1], v[1]*v[2],
412  v[2]*v[0], v[2]*v[1], v[2]*v[2]);
413  }
414  // Return a matrix M such that:
415  // for each u, M * u = v.CrossProd(u)
416  static Self AntiSym3(const MVector &v) {
417  return Self(VType(), -v[2], v[1],
418  v[2], VType(), -v[0],
419  -v[1], v[0], VType());
420  }
422  static Self Rodrigues(const MVector &rot) {
423  Self R;
424  VType theta = rot.Norm();
425  MVector w = rot.Normalize();
426  Self Wv = Self::AntiSym3(w);
427  Self I = Self::Identity();
428  Self A = Self::Sym3(w);
429  R = (1 - cos(theta)) * A + sin(theta) * Wv + cos(theta) * I;
430  return R;
431  }
433  // Returns v.Transpose() * (*this) * u
434  VType MulBothSides(const MVector &v, const MVector &u) const {
435  return ((*this) * u).DotProd(v);
436  }
438  // Use the 3x3 matrix as a projective transform for 2d points
439  Vector2<VType> Project(const Vector2<VType> &v) const {
440  MVector temp = (*this) * MVector(v[0], v[1], 1);
441  return Vector2<VType>(temp[0] / temp[2], temp[1] / temp[2]);
442  }
444  // Return the Frobenius norm of the matrix: sqrt(sum(aij^2))
445  VType FrobeniusNorm() const {
446  VType sum = VType();
447  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
448  for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
449  sum += m_[i][j] * m_[i][j];
450  }
451  }
452  return sqrt(sum);
453  }
455  // Finds the eigen values and associated eigen vectors of a
456  // symmetric positive definite 3x3 matrix,eigen values are
457  // sorted in decreasing order, eig_val corresponds to the
458  // columns of the eig_vec matrix.
459  // Note: The routine will only use the lower diagonal part
460  // of the matrix, i.e.
461  // | a00, |
462  // | a10, a11, |
463  // | a20, a21, a22 |
464  void SymmetricEigenSolver(MVector *eig_val,
465  Self *eig_vec ) {
466  // Compute characteristic polynomial coefficients
467  double c2 = -(m_[0][0] + m_[1][1] + m_[2][2]);
468  double c1 = -(m_[1][0] * m_[1][0] - m_[0][0] * m_[1][1]
469  - m_[0][0] * m_[2][2] - m_[1][1] * m_[2][2]
470  + m_[2][0] * m_[2][0] + m_[2][1] * m_[2][1]);
471  double c0 = -(m_[0][0] * m_[1][1] * m_[2][2] - m_[2][0]
472  * m_[2][0] * m_[1][1] - m_[1][0] * m_[1][0]
473  * m_[2][2] - m_[0][0] * m_[2][1] * m_[2][1]
474  + 2 * m_[1][0] * m_[2][0] * m_[2][1]);
476  // Root finding
477  double q = (c2*c2-3*c1)/9.0;
478  double r = (2*c2*c2*c2-9*c2*c1+27*c0)/54.0;
479  // Assume R^3 <Q^3 so there are three real roots
480  if (q < 0) q = 0;
481  double sqrt_q = -2.0 * sqrt(q);
482  double theta = acos(r / sqrt(q * q * q));
483  double c2_3 = c2 / 3;
484  (*eig_val)[0] = sqrt_q * cos(theta / 3.0) - c2_3;
485  (*eig_val)[1] = sqrt_q * cos((theta + 2.0 * M_PI)/3.0) - c2_3;
486  (*eig_val)[2] = sqrt_q * cos((theta - 2.0 * M_PI)/3.0) - c2_3;
488  // Sort eigen value in decreasing order
489  Vector3<int> d_order = eig_val->ComponentOrder();
490  (*eig_val) = MVector((*eig_val)[d_order[2]],
491  (*eig_val)[d_order[1]],
492  (*eig_val)[d_order[0]]);
493  // Compute eigenvectors
494  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
495  MVector r1 , r2 , r3 , e1 , e2 , e3;
496  r1[0] = m_[0][0] - (*eig_val)[i];
497  r2[0] = m_[1][0];
498  r3[0] = m_[2][0];
499  r1[1] = m_[1][0];
500  r2[1] = m_[1][1] - (*eig_val)[i];
501  r3[1] = m_[2][1];
502  r1[2] = m_[2][0];
503  r2[2] = m_[2][1];
504  r3[2] = m_[2][2] - (*eig_val)[i];
506  e1 = r1.CrossProd(r2);
507  e2 = r2.CrossProd(r3);
508  e3 = r3.CrossProd(r1);
510  // Make e2 and e3 point in the same direction as e1
511  if (e2.DotProd(e1) < 0) e2 = -e2;
512  if (e3.DotProd(e1) < 0) e3 = -e3;
513  MVector e = (e1 + e2 + e3).Normalize();
514  eig_vec->SetCol(i,e);
515  }
516  }
518  // Return true is one of the elements of the matrix is NaN
519  bool IsNaN() const {
520  for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
521  for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j ) {
522  if ( isnan(m_[i][j]) ) {
523  return true;
524  }
525  }
526  }
527  return false;
528  }
530  friend std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &out, const Self &mb) {
531  int i, j;
532  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
533  if (i ==0) {
534  out << "[";
535  } else {
536  out << " ";
537  }
538  for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
539  out << mb(i, j) << " ";
540  }
541  if (i == 2) {
542  out << "]";
543  } else {
544  out << endl;
545  }
546  }
547  return out;
548  }
549 };
551 // TODO(user): Matrix3x3<T> does not actually satisfy the definition of a
552 // POD type even when T is a POD. Pretending that Matrix3x3<T> is a POD
553 // probably won't cause immediate problems, but eventually this should be fixed.
556 #endif // UTIL_MATH_MATRIX3X3_INL_H__